3 Mar 2025


Visioneer Communications One Touch 7600 USB Scanner Driver

Company: Visioneer Communications
Model: One Touch 7600 USB
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: VisioneerOneTouch7600USB.exe


Visioneer Communications One Touch 7600 USB Driver. I got the Win 2k driver from Visioneer, and it was lacking the vipersti.dll file. The driver insataller asks for the file, and I browsed to the file on the CD. The driver continued to install, and it worked fine. I could use the scanner with Omni Page which access the driver directly. I would think that any scan software that has that capability would work as well. I packaged the driver using a friend's copy of Driver Magic to post here since I had such a tough time finding the right driver.
File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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