12 Mar 2025


Genius (KYE) FU624D ColorPage VividPro USB Scanner Driver

Company: Genius (KYE)
Model: FU624D ColorPage VividPro USB
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: vpusb.exe


Genius (KYE) FU624D ColorPage VividPro USB Driver. 1. Remove any earlier attempts by going to Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs. Reboot and double-check it is really gone.

2. Turn off power to the scanner.

3. Install vpusb.exe by double-clicking on it. Reboot again (it's like religion, just do it).

4. Install original Genius software. Let it reboot for you.

5. Turn on the scanner. You should see the icon in the tray, and pressing the button on the scanner (or double clicking the icon in the tray) should launch PhotoSuite with the scanner interface activated.

5 (alternate method) Turn on scanner, go to programs, and launch the scanner test program. It should just work.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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