14 Mar 2025


US Logic 40-10761 Scanner Driver

Company: US Logic
Model: 40-10761
Operating System: Windows 3.x (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: USlogic2.zip


US Logic 40-10761 Driver. To make the calibration sheet Imagine a standard ruled sheet of paper, starting 1/3 of the way down, you will need 8 shades of grey to get from the white to the black. The lightest shade first and each shade darker should fill one standard [light blue] ruled line. the final black line should fill three lines worth (going toward the bottom of the page. Use a paint program to create the calibration page. scan very slow and even. try 30 or 45 0r 60 seconds. Sometimes it goes easy, sometimes it goes difficult. Reboot between tries. Good Luck to you.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9902 02-14-95 14:42 U S Logic/VSCD.386 15872 02-14-95 16:33 U S Logic/DRVGRAY.DLL 140214 05-29-95 15:58 U S Logic/GR400.DS_ 131163 12-01-94 15:44 U S Logic/GRAYHLP.HL_ 82 05-10-95 15:53 U S Logic/INFO 71680 05-10-95 15:54 U S Logic/INSTALL.EXE 3408 05-24-95 10:38 U S Logic/README.TXT 20786 02-07-95 10:56 U S Logic/TWAIN.DL_ 14336 01-04-93 11:45 U S Logic/CTL3D.DLL -------- ---- 407443 9 files

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