14 Mar 2025


Phillips PCA300PS Scanner Driver

Company: Phillips
Model: PCA300PS
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sm248_1-4.zip


Phillips PCA300PS Driver. This 5Mb file contains the Win98 driver files

sn980017.zip (0.59Mb) [PCA 300/600PS scanner software upgrade. Philips Scan Module version before 2.48 cannot work under Windows 98.]

and also the files

sm248_1.zip (1.06Mb) sm248_2.zip (1.13Mb) sm248_3.zip (1.19Mb) sm248_4.zip (1.37Mb) [Scan Module driver v2.48 for Windows 98 and problem solving - disks 1,2,3,4]

Note Philips also offers drivers for the PCA600PS. Yet, most of the immense philips-website is not bookmarkable, so you are forced to search your way over and over again. try the "link" below for a start -)


For Win3.1x, win95, WinNT and the TWAIN quick panel search for the 300sm1-4.zip file (7Mb). Let's make better things!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 589362 06-25-00 17:28 sn980017.zip 1058217 06-25-00 17:31 sm248_1.zip 1131851 06-25-00 17:43 sm248_2.zip 1186673 06-25-00 17:49 sm248_3.zip 1374729 06-25-00 17:55 sm248_4.zip 1078 06-25-00 21:57 PHILdrv.txt -------- ------- 5341910 6 files

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