12 Mar 2025


Other Companies TCE S540 Scanner Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: TCE S540
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: TceS540Driver.zip


Other Companies TCE S540 Driver. if you having problems with this model on xp try this driver.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 160 11-16-98 11:41 Tce S540 Driver/config.dat 5472 04-20-97 03:01 Tce S540 Driver/CONSTANT.IN_ 14458 08-27-98 15:24 Tce S540 Driver/CONSTANT.INI 20976 09-16-94 15:00 Tce S540 Driver/CTL3D.DLL 79 08-18-03 13:00 Tce S540 Driver/Desktop.ini 18467 07-30-98 14:44 Tce S540 Driver/DRVEPP.DL_ 2992 03-03-99 06:22 Tce S540 Driver/E1.INI 30380 03-04-99 11:02 Tce S540 Driver/GL.DL_ 8959 06-28-00 13:26 Tce S540 Driver/HARDWARE.INI 33631 10-09-98 17:49 Tce S540 Driver/IMGPROC.DL_ 1361 06-28-00 13:27 Tce S540 Driver/INSTALL.INI 113511 04-04-98 21:21 Tce S540 Driver/LTDIS90N.DL_ 53317 04-04-98 21:21 Tce S540 Driver/LTFIL90N.DL_ 62995 04-04-98 21:22 Tce S540 Driver/LTIMG90N.DL_ 156341 04-04-98 21:21 Tce S540 Driver/LTKRN90N.DL_ 12546 03-23-99 15:30 Tce S540 Driver/LUT.PL_ 37888 11-05-98 17:00 Tce S540 Driver/por.lng 217 07-30-98 14:44 Tce S540 Driver/PPSIO2.INI 11406 04-02-99 11:16 Tce S540 Driver/PPSIO2.SY_ 46887 09-10-98 14:53 Tce S540 Driver/PROTOCOL.DS_ 1640 11-13-98 12:15 Tce S540 Driver/README.txt 68880 08-09-96 02:30 Tce S540 Driver/REGINI.EXE 129791 12-10-98 17:54 Tce S540 Driver/SET32.DL_ 279952 10-21-98 20:36 Tce S540 Driver/setup.exe 14706 11-04-98 18:01 Tce S540 Driver/STRBASE.DL_ 43916 10-21-96 14:51 Tce S540 Driver/TWAIN.DL_ 22405 02-09-98 17:28 Tce S540 Driver/TWAIN.HL_ 33953 10-21-96 14:51 Tce S540 Driver/TWAIN_32.DL_ 21319 09-14-95 21:51 Tce S540 Driver/TWUNK_16.EX_ 33188 09-14-95 21:51 Tce S540 Driver/TWUNK_32.EX_ 176046 12-10-98 18:10 Tce S540 Driver/UI32.DL_ 87964 09-11-97 03:10 Tce S540 Driver/UI3RD_32.DL_ 86719 03-03-98 21:29 Tce S540 Driver/UNINST.EX_ 702 06-28-00 13:28 Tce S540 Driver/UNINST.INI 84275 04-03-99 04:42 Tce S540 Driver/VICEO.DL_ -------- ---- 1717499 35 files

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