28 Feb 2025


AGFA SnapScan 1200P Scanner Driver

Company: AGFA
Model: SnapScan 1200P
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ISP_1200P_V1401.EXE


AGFA SnapScan 1200P Driver. Operating System Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4, Windows 2000

Installation Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4

1. Install the SoftPack and follow the installation instructions.

2. After rebooting, the Hardware Wizard will detect your scanner. Step through the different screens by clicking the "Next"-button untill the "Finish"-button appears.

3. Click the "Finish"-button.

Windows 2000 only

1. Install the SoftPack.

2. The help-file guides you through the installation instructions. Make sure that you complete all the steps, otherwise the scanner is not installed!

3. You can start scanning without rebooting the computer.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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