5 Feb 2025


Microsoft Scanner Driver

Company: Microsoft
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Scsimap.sys


Microsoft Driver. when installing scanner device, windows will automatically come up with an error message if you do not have scsimap.sys on your system. It will ask you to insert the driver cd. Instead, hit OK as if you had put the cd in, when really you don't have it. It will come back with a message asking where to look. After downloading this driver, and saving it to a disk, you can use the browse option to locate the missing driver. Click on the scsimap.sys in the location to where you saved it, and hit enter. The system will automatically put it where it needs it to be. Scsimap.sys and scsiscan.sys are listed under driver 20.
File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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