12 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) Scanjet 4200c Scanner Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: Scanjet 4200c
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: part1-3_sj4200c_w2k.zip


Hewlett Packard (HP) Scanjet 4200c Driver. FINALLY, the driver and application to get your Scanjet 4200C by HP running under win2000!!!! (you need to order this freaking cd from the HP site)

Sorry, it are 3 kinda huge zipfiles.....will take a while to download - but it's going to be worth it!

Part 1 - 7.63 MB

Part 2 - 7.62 MB

Part 3 - 6.93 MB

Part 1 (out of 3) of the driver/application for Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4200c

(NOTE You need to download ALL 3 PARTS, unzip the zipfile and then UNRAR the rar files, UNRAR is only possible when you have all the RAR files. To unrar goto www.rarsoft.com/ and download their program!)

Let me know if it all worked!


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2000000 01-02-01 00:10 HPSJ4200cEng.r02 2000000 01-02-01 00:10 HPSJ4200cEng.r01 2000000 01-02-01 00:10 HPSJ4200cEng.r00 2000000 01-02-01 00:09 HPSJ4200cEng.rar -------- ------- 8000000 4 files

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