12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Proton ScanPro C6 Scanner Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Proton ScanPro C6
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: twain.zip


Other Companies Proton ScanPro C6 Driver. Windows 95/98 twain driver for the Proton ScanPro C6 scanner. This is the twain driver only... you will still need acquisition software to do the actual scan. Corel works nicely and there are others that work well to.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7543 03-23-92 19:30 _MSSETUP.EX_ 55370 03-23-92 19:30 _MSTEST.EX_ 15098 07-14-95 00:43 CTL3DV2.DL_ 24029 11-01-97 01:00 CWAPI.DL_ 3687 11-01-97 01:00 CWTWDS.DL_ 9470 11-01-97 01:00 CWUI.DL_ 15285 05-01-93 12:00 EXPAND.EXE 41320 03-23-92 19:30 MSCOMSTF.DL_ 9806 10-28-97 01:00 MSCUISTF.DL_ 4726 03-23-92 19:30 MSDETECT.IN_ 14949 03-23-92 19:30 MSDETSTF.DL_ 40805 03-23-92 19:30 MSINSSTF.DL_ 9226 03-23-92 19:30 MSSHLSTF.DL_ 3970 10-12-93 05:19 MSUILSTF.DL_ 24624 03-23-92 19:30 SETUP.EXE 838 11-01-97 01:00 SETUP.INF 582 10-28-97 01:00 SETUP.LST 2570 10-28-97 01:00 SETUP.MS_ 13459 03-23-92 19:30 SETUPAPI.IN_ 55360 11-01-97 01:00 Sproc6.ds_ 17234 10-20-97 01:00 SPROC6.HLP 1040 11-01-97 01:00 SPROC6.INI 43814 10-30-97 10:08 TWAIN.DL_ 6307 04-28-93 00:00 VER.DL_ -------- ------- 421112 24 files

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