3 Mar 2025


Visioneer Communications 5300 One Touch USB Scanner Driver

Company: Visioneer Communications
Model: 5300 One Touch USB
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: onetouchdlls.zip


Visioneer Communications 5300 One Touch USB Driver. If you are getting an error message for missing MAXKERNL.dll, you will need all 5 of these files. Copy them into the following folders

c \paprport

c \Windows

c \Windows\system

c \Windows\system32

You will also want to copy these into c \program files\visioneer\PaperPort if there is such a folder.

Good luck!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 72704 04-12-99 18:50 PPERR.DLL 46592 04-12-99 18:52 MAXUTIL.DLL 150016 04-12-99 18:55 MAXKERNL.DLL 68608 04-12-99 18:53 MAXCODEC.DLL 140288 04-12-99 18:58 MAXRAST.DLL -------- ------- 478208 5 files

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