3 Mar 2025


Visioneer Communications 5300 USB XP Scanner Driver

Company: Visioneer Communications
Model: 5300 USB XP
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5300usbXP.zip


Visioneer Communications 5300 USB XP Driver. Finally, 5300 USB will work in Windows XP. The process is pretty simple, go to www.visioneer.com/support/legacy/5300downloads.stm

Then click on the last one, 5300u meant for Windows 98,ME and 2000. Install it and it will bring up that annoying window that it is not approved blah blah, click ok and then you are able to scan. But then when you reboot, it will keep on bugging you about "MAXKERNL.DLL" not found, there are actually 5 dll files that are missing from the folder on you C \Paperport folder that the driver has created. Download this file and it has all the dll files you need to make it work. Simply extract them all to your paperport folder and reboot. VOLLA, no more annoying errors. Feedback about if this driver worked for you or not is appreciated.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 150016 10-04-00 14:25 Maxkernl.dll 68608 08-14-00 00:21 Maxcodec.dll 46592 08-14-00 22:11 Maxutil.dll 72704 04-27-01 20:58 Pperr.dll 140288 08-22-00 21:16 Maxrast.dll -------- ------- 478208 5 files

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