29 Mar 2025


Canon Canoscan 4200F Scanner Driver

Company: Canon
Model: Canoscan 4200F
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SetupSG.exe


Canon Canoscan 4200F Driver. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ScanGear CS


September, 2004

Copyright (C) 2004 Canon Inc.

o Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft

Corporation in the U.S. and in other countries.

o IBM and IBM PC/AT are registered trademarks of International

Business Machines Corporation.

o Other company and product names may be trademarks and/or registered

trademarks in their respective countries.

1. ScanGear CS 8.6 Features

ScanGear CS 8.6 for Windows (hereafter referred to as "ScanGear CS")

is a 32-bit TWAIN-compliant scanner driver for Canon CanoScan 4200F

scanner. When this driver is selected from within a TWAIN-compliant

application program, this scanner can be used to scan image data.

2. A General Tip on Usage

o Only run one application at a time that is actively linked to

ScanGear CS. Do not open more than one application that is actively

linked to ScanGear CS.

Also, do not open ScanGear CS more than once to acquire an image in

the same application.

o If you scan a very large image at high resolution, some applications

may determine that there is not enough disk space to scan and save

the image, and will return an error.

o If the image size is large, such as when you scan a large image at a

high resolution, for using some applications, the progress bar may

freeze at 0% due to limitations of the application.

In this case, click the Cancel button on the progress bar, and then

select a smaller area or lower resolution and try scanning again.

o With Windows 2000 or XP, the TWAIN data source may not open

correctly from time to time when the system file is in the NTFS


For security reasons, the TWAIN module cannot be written to the

"winnt" directory. For details, contact your system administrator.

o Always close the ScanGear CS main window before you exit the parent

application program.

o With Windows 2000 or XP, the system administrator is required to

install or uninstall ScanGear CS.

o Certain personal computers (including laptops) may not restart

correctly from standby mode when the scanner is attached. If this

occurs, please reboot the computer.

o The scanner button may not operate after you install the driver. In

this case, restart the system.

o When you preview or scan an image with a relatively uniform

background, the Auto Tone function may change its coloring.

If this occurs, reset the Auto Tone.

o With Windows Me, the scanner may not be detected after the USB cable

has been disconnected and reconnected. If this occurs, please reboot

the computer.

3. Running ScanGear CS with Specific Applications

o Some applications may close ScanGear CS automatically after scanning.

o Some application programs may hide the TWAIN user interface.

In this case, refer to the application programer's manual to find

out the required setting changes to show the TWAIN user interface.

o Images after the first image can not be passed on to the linked

application when the Multi Photo Scan function is used with

Microsoft Word 2000, Excel 2000 or PowerPoint 2000.

4. Notes when using the scanner after switching users in Windows XP

o The scanner may be unable to operate if a large portion of the

system resources, such as the memory, is being used by another user.

In this case, close any programs that are open in the other user

environment before scanning.

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