3 Mar 2025


Visioneer Communications paperport onetouch 5300 parallel Scanner Driver

Company: Visioneer Communications
Model: paperport onetouch 5300 parallel
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5300parxp.zip


Visioneer Communications paperport onetouch 5300 parallel Driver. make sure you uninstall all versions of paperport before running the driver programs. I spent a long

time getting the right files to run my paperport onetouch 5300 scanner running under xp. It finally works!

Make sure your parallel port is set to ECP mode in the bios

setting. Also plug in your scanner to your parallel port and leave it on the whole time.

first run 5300.exe

it will create c \paprport and it will reboot

second unzip 5300usbXP.ZIP to c \paprport reboot again

you can now run fbdirect.exe the scanner initialization

program without any problem.

I use scansoftpaperport 8.0 to run my scanner, paperport 5.3 the one that came with my scanner would not work at

all under xp. I am not certain if it works with other scanner programs. Good luck!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1692867 01-01-03 19:35 5300.exe 217744 01-01-03 19:36 5300usbXP.zip -------- ---- 1910611 2 files

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