3 Mar 2025


Visioneer Communications OneTouch 5600 USB (FU66BE) Scanner Driver

Company: Visioneer Communications
Model: OneTouch 5600 USB (FU66BE)
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Visioneer5600-xp.zip


Visioneer Communications OneTouch 5600 USB (FU66BE) Driver. I thought my investment in my Visioneer 5600 USB scanner was toast after upgrading to XP and/or Adobe 5.x, because the OneTouch features on the scanner were no longer supported or the Paperport software and configuration failed. Okay after weeks of trial and error I finally made it work FLAWLESSLY. I have included all necessary (XP signed) drivers AND instructions in this ZIP file to make your Visioneer OneTouch 5600 USB work WONDERFULLY in WindowsXP with all of its builtin button-features INCLUDING Paperport v7.0 that came with your scanner (or you can get free from Visioneer) and Adobe 5.x.

All of the drivers in this ZIP are available at www.visioneer.com but are not easily located.


Good luck. Your investment in your 5600 was not lost with your WindowsXP upgrade or addition of Adobe 5.x.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2423 02-24-03 13:11 XP-Fixes ReadMe.txt 3355933 02-24-03 11:21 Adobe5patch/PP_SP702.exe 685357 02-24-03 11:20 PaperPort7Link-Patch/paperportaf.exe 1216580 02-24-03 11:02 PP-ExportLinkAdd-On/exportlink.exe 468 02-24-03 13:12 PP-ExportLinkAdd-On/ReadMe.txt 3825476 02-13-03 10:56 USB Drivers/5600inclXP.exe -------- ---- 9086237 6 files

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